Our Top 3 Travel Products When Traveling With Children

I’m that crazy Mom that keeps track of all our children’s flights and to date, Noah has been on 96 flights already, and Kaia on 45 (most of which have been long haul international flights). Although it’s definitely more the norm to ‘slow down’ with traveling once you have children (sane/clever parents do that!), we seem to have done the opposite after becoming parents.

A Reflection: My 2017 Intentions

This year I have broken up my intentions month by month. It is the first time I’m taking this approach and I’m quite excited about it. No matter what approach you take though, as long as you take some time to be conscious and mindful of your intentions each year (call them wishes, goals, whatever) or even just take the time to reflect at the end of the year, without having set any intentions at all, that is what matters I believe; Remaining conscious and mindful about one’s self. 

A Fresh Start Into 2018

New year, new me. That’s how the saying goes, isn’t it? I’ve always been a firm believer of setting intentions with the turn of the year. When I was in my young teens I would write myself a letter for the year and then seal it up at New Years, only to be opened again a year later. I’m not quite as methodological these days with my intentions, but I do take the turn of the year as an opportunity, more than anything else – to look backwards and reflect, as it inspires me to look forwards thoughtfully and purposefully.  

Kaia's Nursery

Designing Kaia’s nursery brought me such joy. Slowly gathering inspiration from many other talented mamas out there, searching high and low for many beautiful goodies around the world and then finally patching together my vision once we moved back into our home here in Cape Town (after spending a year overseas). Kaia was already 2.5 months when we moved back into our home, so you can imagine how excited I was to finally create this space for her (and me!).

My Favourite Oat Cake Recipe

Having your hands full with one or several kiddies calls for wholesome snacks on the go, because let’s face it, when do we ever have the time to sit down and prepare ourselves food!? These gorgeous oat cakes are amazing for those gap fillers, when your tummy is telling you ‘feed me (!!)’, whilst your babe is saying the exact same but in a slightly louder manner.

Favourite Playgrounds in Berlin

I looked up a few classes I wanted to trial with Noah, I wrote down the most recommended parks, looked up kinder-cafes, of course the best restaurants, cafes, and bakeries, and most importantly, I searched high and low for the absolute best playgrounds. Fun fact: There are about 1,805 public playgrounds in Berlin, a city of nearly four million inhabitants, of which about half a million are under 18. Statistically, this is a fantastic ratio and visually its apparent everywhere. Playgrounds pop up like wildflowers in this city and seem to fill every empty spot there is. But quantity is not what makes Berlin a playground paradise. 

A Reflection: My 2016 Intentions

Setting my intentions at the turn of the year has been a little tradition of mine as far back as I can remember.  I was very excited about the intentions I had set for 2016, as it was going to be an exciting year for us in terms of travel, family and personal development. Since I didn’t have Stellarize Your Life up and running at the turn of the year, I decided that I am going to share these intentions with you as a form of reflection. 

A Letter to My Daughter

Today I want to share on a more personal level with you. Something from the heart. A letter to our little lady that will grace us with her presence so very soon. Open communication has always been of utmost importance to me and since it is something that I hope to foster in our very own little family, I believe it is never too early to start setting an example in this area and leading the way.