I’m Stella and this is where I share and celebrate my loves in life – motherhood, travel, food, realizing my dream, capturing memories and everything in between. Please, stay as long as you like. READ MORE!

My Maternity Pictures for Both Pregnancies

My Maternity Pictures for Both Pregnancies

Pregnancy brings a new meaning to the concept of beauty. I truly believe that a pregnant woman is one of the most beautiful sights there is. “To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, thoroughly woman, and distressingly inhabited. Soul and spirit are stretched – along with body – making pregnancy a time of transition, growth, and profound beginnings.” (Anne Christian Buchanan). It is a period of immense joy coupled with excitement and wonder. Capturing this change in a body and that aura of magic that surrounds a pregnant woman, was very important to me in both of my pregnancies.

I wanted to capture my full term baby bump with a professional photographer the first time around. I absolutely loved the images that he captured and therefore knew that I wanted to do the same with my second full term baby belly. Life is obviously a little bit busier with toddler running around so it was all very last minute this second time around. I did consider simply having hubby take the pictures for me but in the end, I knew that I would never regret paying for these images, especially of a time that is so fleeting, yet so precious. Needless to say, I am so glad I made the effort to organize a shoot. I will hold these images dear forever. So this is moi with both my babies still snuggly cocooned away. The first pregnancy with a boy and the second pregnancy with a girl. I certainly know which babe came out bigger!

This is me pregnant with Noah:

Photographer: Justin Munitz from Hullo Baby

“Pregnant women! They had that weird frisson, an aura of magic that combined awkwardly with an earthy sense of duty. Mundane, because they were nothing unique on the suburban streets; ethereal because their attention was ever somewhere else. Whatever you said was trivial. And they had that preciousness which they imposed wherever they went, compelling attention, constantly reminding you that they carried the future inside, its contours already drawn, but veiled, private, an inner secret.” (Ruth Morgan)

This is me pregnant with Kaia:

Photographer: Nina Reinsdorf

A Reflection: My 2016 Intentions

A Reflection: My 2016 Intentions

A Letter to My Daughter

A Letter to My Daughter