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A Reflection: My 2017 Intentions

A Reflection: My 2017 Intentions


I wrote out my Intentions for 2017 on here a good year ago but never published the actual blog post. Probably because I had a newborn at the time. Looking back, I noticed that it is perhaps the first year ever where I have managed to 'achieve' all of the Intentions I'd set for myself. Last year I had broken up my Intentions month by month, instead of by category or simply a long list of random wishes/goals/intentions. Quite a neat little technique and for some reason it worked. I am fully aware that we are well into January already and setting Intentions is soooo three weeks ago - am I right? Well, you'll just have to bare with me on this one. It may not be as relevant anymore, but it is never too late to be reminded of setting mindful intentions here and there. And by sharing these, maybe I can inspire you to use some of these for your year ahead. I hope you make this your best year yet!

I have broken up my intentions month by month for this year. It is the first time I’m taking this approach and I’m quite excited about it. No matter what approach you take though, as long as you take some time to be conscious and mindful of your intentions each year (call them wishes, goals, whatever) or even just take the time to reflect at the end of the year, without having set any intentions at all, that is what matters I believe; Remaining conscious and mindful about one’s self. We all have different needs and different ways to address those needs, so do what is right for you but never stop learning and definitely never stop taking the time to be thoughtful and mindful about yourself and others.  So here we go...2017...for which my three words are Family, Home and Me.

January: Find my rhythm as a mama of two. Try not to set any expectations or have any lists that need to be ticked off or completed. Be gentle on myself and take each day as it comes. This advice was the best advice I received before Noah’s birth from my mama and its golds worth. 

February: Settle into our old home (it will feel new again!) and simply arrive as a family of four. In terms of 'nesting, I have worked hard on designing Kaia’s nursery and Noah’s playroom, as well as redecorating other parts of the house. I am beyond excited to get started on my home projects but I will ease into it slowly.


March: Connect with some old friends and say ‘yes’ to making new friends, if the opportunities arise. It is easier staying in your comfort zone but so much more rewarding to put yourself out there and connect with others.


April: Start exercising again! Find time to go to spin class twice a week and at least 1-2 runs per week. Perhaps I’ll even consider a personal trainer for the first time in my life. Being active and doing something for myself in that space gives me a lot of energy (it always has) and so I want to make an effort in this area because I know I can only gain from it.


May: Take time for myself at least once a week. With a traveling husband I single parent for a large percentage of the year, so even just a few hours every week are golden and re-energize me to be a better mama to our kiddies.

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June: This month we have planned a holiday to Indonesia with two of my brothers, Robin’s brother and some very good friends. It will be our first holiday as a family where hubby won’t have to open a laptop and work (the last time that happened was our honeymoon!) and although we won’t we alone as a little family unit, it will still be absolutely glorious. And I want to re-learn the art of surfing! Not that I ever came even close to mastering it or being ‘good’ but I’ve always enjoyed it, and I want to make the effort to take time out in the ocean and push myself out of my comfort zone, whenever I can that holiday.

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July: Stop working whilst Noah and Kaia are awake. Save work and admin tasks until the groms are asleep and be present with them more. It brings such peace and joy every time so why do I feel I always need to do 10 things at once, instead of enjoying these little beings more – just stepping back, observing and interacting. It is one of my favourite things to do. I should allow myself more of it and realize that everything else can wait.


August: Take this month out to disconnect and reconnect with family. We plan to spend a good chunk of it in France with my side of the family (something we will most likely do every year) and it’s the perfect opportunity to chill out, reflect, find peace in the parts of my life where it is needed and simply enjoy the time with our kiddies running wild.


September: Start focusing on myself again. I know I wrote a similar intent for May, but I am not sure that I’ll be all that successful at it in May already. Is there a course I want to take? Creative projects I want to complete, that I haven’t had time for? My intent is to be conscious about taking time out for myself. By this time Kaia will be old enough for me to be able to do a bit more of that as a mama. Oh and I turn 30 this year! Yes...30!! No big deal. I haven't made any plans on how to celebrate (most likely a quiet weekend getaway with my hubby and gorgeous children), but I do want to take time  to reflect and write as 30 is a pretty big milestone. 

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October: Be more disciplined with my ‘work’. Take pride in the fact that I am making efforts to create something with Stellarize Lifestyle Stationery and stop being so hard on myself for everything ‘taking more time than I expected’. It is ok. I am enough.


November: Summer in Cape Town has arrived. The best time of the year where the days are long and warm, the vineyards are overflowing and the beaches are full. I want to make a special effort to make the most of all that Cape Town and its surroundings has to offer. I do not want to travel anywhere but instead, just stay put in the amazing environment that surrounds us. Plan some fun family outings and make lots of memories.

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Also, if we haven’t had the chance to do much of this yet, I want to set aside two nights a month for date night with my love. We all know that putting focus on one’s relationship is something that can very easily slip to the bottom of the ‘important pile’ after babies have joined the picture. When you do resurface to realizing that your relationship should come first, or at least get the attention it deserves, it works wonders for your heart.  

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December: My wish is for us to celebrate Christmas at our home in Cape Town. Christmas is my absolute favourite time of the year and with a beautiful, growing family of my own, I can’t think of a place I’d rather be than home. It is that time of the year where I spend a lot of time giving back in terms of thoughtful gifts and creative ideas. A time of the year where I finish my creative projects (photo albums, etc.), and start dreaming about new ones. A time of the year where I get to splurge on others, which is something I love. A time of the year for traditions and with two little monkeys running around, traditions are becoming more important than ever before. 


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