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My Favourite Oat Cake Recipe

My Favourite Oat Cake Recipe

Having your hands full with one or several kiddies calls for wholesome snacks on the go, because let’s face it, when do we ever have the time to sit down and prepare ourselves food!? These gorgeous oat cakes are amazing for those gap fillers, when your tummy is telling you ‘feed me (!!)’, whilst your babe is saying the exact same but in a slightly louder manner.

Being a big Heidi Swanson fan, I often find myself going to her for some new recipes. I found these oat cakes sprawled across the Internet with glowing reviews. I didn't know what to expect other than them being very tasty. I think I may have used the words 'one of my favourite recipes yet' when I was describing them the other day. They look so un-exciting at face value (like a muffin that forgot to rise) but are an absolute party in your mouth. They taste sweet - not a sugar sweet - rather a healthy maple syrup sweet (if one can one call that ‘healthy?’). They are crunchy on the top from the oat pieces having caramelized beautifully. They are dry but in a strange way that is exactly what you want them to be. And they do manage to retain moistness on the inside that can be described as somewhere in between a scone and a muffin. So satisfying. And they freeze so well, which allows you to make heaps even if they are just meant for yourself. I can't say I was giving away my first batch in a hurry as I was, perhaps, a tad bit in love :) 

I made them gluten free by using gluten free oats and whole grain spelt flour. The result was fantastic. You can have a play with the flour in the recipe (try white flour, whole grain, white spelt flour…) and have some fun with it as well. 

Give them a try if you are looking for a yummy and healthy snack on the go. I wouldn't serve them as a 'dessert' as you may get disappointed looks but they are great substitutes for breakfast if you have limited time and they also work well as treats during the day. 

I always have some frozen in my freezer and eat them year round. True story.

Find the recipe here

Kaia's Nursery

Kaia's Nursery

Photo Project: Yearly Family Albums

Photo Project: Yearly Family Albums