All in Favourite Recipes

My Favourite Oat Cake Recipe

Having your hands full with one or several kiddies calls for wholesome snacks on the go, because let’s face it, when do we ever have the time to sit down and prepare ourselves food!? These gorgeous oat cakes are amazing for those gap fillers, when your tummy is telling you ‘feed me (!!)’, whilst your babe is saying the exact same but in a slightly louder manner.

Our Favourite Banana Bread Recipe

You bake because you want to bake, not because you have to. You bake to share and you bake to celebrate. These are reasons why I’ve always loved baking. Before Noah, I used it as my little therapy session in which I found my own peace and quiet – a time to think. With Noah in the mix (get it? – hah), he will generally want to join in, which I love.