A Letter to My Daughter
Birth is around the corner and I am noticing my own thoughts and actions turning inwards more and more. Although I’m still running and cycling around the city in order to prepare for Christmas and all else that comes with raising an adorable toddler and having everyday lives to live - any moment of peace and quiet that I have - my thoughts turn to our little baby girl. I guess it is all very normal. I am preparing my nest once again, connecting with my husband and enjoying quiet alone time more than ever. Today I want to share on a more personal level with you. Something from the heart. A letter to our little lady that will grace us with her presence so very soon. Open communication has always been of utmost importance to me and since it is something that I hope to foster in our very own little family, I believe it is never too early to start setting an example in this area and leading the way.
Photo by Nina Reinsdorf
6 December, 2016
To my beautiful baby girl.
My dearest daughter,
We are a few days away from finally meeting you! I can hardly believe it. After feeling you kick, push, and twist away for the past many months, I cannot wait to lay eyes on your beautiful little self. From the way you have been moving in the belly, I’d say you’re a confident and fierce little one that knows what she wants. It is always such a magical period, these last weeks prior to birth. One of anticipation, joy and wonder. As a mother I know that you are perfectly developed in my belly already (I feel you all the time!) and although one is consciously aware of this, it is still hard to believe at the same time.
We have heard nothing but ‘perfect’ from the doctors that have examined you. You are growing nicely, moving a lot, and have been in head down starting position from the get go. Apart from the first trimester, you have given your mama no grief at all and I want to thank you for that. I’ve felt energetic over the last many months and have stayed very active. I’m still cycling around Berlin now but I don’t think you mind it at all and that is the most important after all. I am starting to feel heavier and more tired of course, but that is to be expected when I’m carrying around a watermelon everywhere I go (as in you!), and most of the time a 13kgs toddler as well. I must admit that I am a little bit anxious about the birth but I also know in my heart that it will all be fine. After all, we are going through this together, right? And I know we can do this!
Noah and I talk about you a lot. Every night we read a book together about him becoming a bigger brother and on every page, we talk about ‘Baby K’. He loves saying your name and although he most certainly doesn’t understand that a little baby will join this family (if I can hardly comprehend it myself…), I know that he will be overjoyed to meet you so soon. He has always been drawn to other children and will love discovering his very own and favourite little play companion and best friend in his baby sister.
And just wait until you meet your papa. He is the most wonderful father and I know you two will develop such a special bond. Long before meeting your paps, it was always so important for me to meet a man with the biggest, most beautiful heart. And that is your papa. I trust him to always take care of all of our hearts - yours, mine, Noah’s - and that is the most important, isn’t it?
We get to welcome you whilst the rest of the world (and us) is getting ready to celebrate the most joyful and magical time of year – Christmas. You will quite literally be our perfect little Christmas gift and we could not have hoped for anything better. I promise to keep you safe and protected in the weeks following birth and forever. There will be a lot of wonderful people who want to meet you but I promise to take it all day by day and give you and I the space and time that we need to get to know one another and find our own peace in amongst all the beautiful chaos that is family.
Sweet little K. You will add such warmth and light to our family. Our very own daughter. My daughter! I have dreamt of having you for a very long time and here you are, ready to grace us with your presence so very soon. I often still find myself in disbelief when I remember that we are having a girl! My whole life I have known boys, boys, boys and I can’t wait for you to take me on this journey that we get to make our very own. Mama and daughter. I have so many wishes for you, sweet girl. So many hopes and so many dreams. My first wish, however, is simply for you to come into this world peacefully and safely. We will take it from there. Once you are in my arms, all else will flow just the way it needs to. All else will feel right.
I love you so much already and this love will only grow more every single day (and practically explode (!!) once you are in my arms). We cannot wait to welcome you to this world and to our little family. May you be surrounded by love, inspired to learn and grow and always know that you are deeply and unconditionally loved.
Your Mama x