I’m Stella and this is where I share and celebrate my loves in life – motherhood, travel, food, realizing my dream, capturing memories and everything in between. Please, stay as long as you like. READ MORE!

Welcome to Stellarize Your Life!

Welcome to Stellarize Your Life!

For the past two years I have been daydreaming about all the right things but unfortunately doing too little to make these day dreams a reality.

You see, my dream has been to start my very own little stationery business. A stationery business where I get to design my favourite products, get them beautifully manufactured and out to those people that will appreciate and love them as much as I do. Simple right?

Apparently not because two years later I still haven’t launched that website, sold that first product or ran that first giveaway on Instagram ;)

My aim was always to get it operating and looking perfect before I shared even the smallest glimpse of my work. I not only felt it would give me the most successful start to my business (which it probably would to tell you the truth), but also just have it in my nature to want to have things looking perfect. So instead of finding reasons to share bits and pieces of Stellarize so far, I always found many more reasons to stay reserved and quiet.

As we all do, I’ve also had a few life events along the way, which re-directed some of my attention – quit my office job, moved continents, got married, ran a marathon (had to put that one in there – hah), designed and built our house, became a mama to a fur-baby and experienced an amazing pregnancy with our first ‘real’ baby, who is now already 14 months old (already!?), packed up an entire house and moved continents again and somehow always ended up on a long-haul international flight every month or two. Yes, even since our little one has joined us! I feel beyond lucky to experience all of the above and would not choose to do anything any different, but the reality for a full-time-mama and a personality of someone who does.not.ever.sit.still (yes that is me) is that there is not much wriggle room left for ‘me-time’. And I’m sure it all gets a whole lot more crazy once there are multiple littlies in the house but we’ll save that one for another day shall we.

It sounds like I’m coming up with excuses, which I sort of am, but reality is, just like every single one of you can relate to, life happens and you do not always achieve what you set out to achieve or meet those goals which you hoped you would meet. The list (that every day list that you want to tick off) not only feels like it doesn’t get any shorter, it actually feels and is endless. Which is the hidden beauty of it all. Life keeps ticking over no matter what and it is up to us to make the most of it and find the beauty in this everyday chaos, which we call life.

When things take a bit longer and life gets in the way, the biggest challenge I have found is managing to keep your heart set on your dream in amongst it all. To keep that fire burning in your belly; That excitement, that inspiration, that can-do attitude. It is normal for your dreams to ebb and flow, to have those low, unmotivated periods but also those high periods in which you find your groove. But if your dream is real, it will not leave you alone and when those motivated periods come surging back, it feels stronger and more genuine every single time.

What is it that they say again…’If not now, then when’…‘Start today’…‘The secret to getting ahead is getting started’ and all those other inspiring words that flash you in the face every time you scroll down your Pinterest feed. Well guys, I’m going to ride that wave of inspiration. Instead of launching a perfect website, with perfectly designed and produced stationery products up for sale, I’m taking you along on my journey. A journey of motherhood, travel, realizing my little business dream, and mostly a journey of capturing & preserving life’s memories, through which I can hopefully inspire and share joy.

I am going to strive for progress, not perfection.

So, welcome to Stellarize Your Life*. My lifestyle blog and (one day - maybe) online store with my very own designed stationery products.

For now though, my three goals for my blog:

1.     To share bits and pieces of my life (and how I Stellarize it) with family, friends and whoever feels like stopping by.

2.     To share my journey of starting a business and hopefully making my dream a reality.

3.     But most importantly, to celebrate and document my loves in life – motherhood, travel, food, capturing & preserving memories and everything in between.

And yes, this lifestyle blog will be adding more to my life but it will also force and allow me to slow down, take a step back, reflect, capture and write…which I know will result in me appreciating life and all the little joys that come with it so much more.

So here is to making life a little bit more complex, but also a little bit more exhilirating and to continuing to follow your dreams. They seem to know the way.

Stellarize Your Life – More on what this means in one of my next posts. 

Weekend Getaway to Mexico

Weekend Getaway to Mexico